After a rain out the previous weekend, the RGV Rocket Club held a makeup launch on September 23, 2003.  Everyone met up at the field and pitched in for set up so it went quickly.   We were fortunate to be joined by our landlord along with some of his family and friends.  We had about 15 spectators which included a family and their nephew who came out to watch.  We were so glad to have you with us Marcy, Esteban, and we hope your nephew Athan really enjoyed his new rocket.  The club keeps rockets on hand for new fliers and Athan received and flew one.


A notable flight was the first 2 stage flight by Stuart Goodrich who put up a Boosted Bertha on a B6 staging to a B6 for a perfect staged flight.  Good job Stuart.  

We only had 3 fliers but between them they put up 8 flights on a total of 9 motors from A to G.  Stuart wins the ataboy award for the most flights of the day.  Below is Athan getting ready to "Send It".

Roman put his scratch built "Roman 12" up on a Cesaroni G50 for a nice flight but a broken shock cord prevented a perfect flight.  Luck was on his side and he did recover the body of the rocket but the Nose cone was lost.  Below is a video of Roman 12, getting it done.

At this launch we debuted our new launch controller.  Currently capable of 16 pads and expandable to 64.  Each bank of 8 can be set up at different distances and it is wireless from the controller to the pad boxes.  Nice.

We had a nice mix of flights with some firsts. Below is a summary of the flights from the September launch.

 I am working on consolidating pictures for this launch and if you have any to share please get them to me at 

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