We met up at Rudy's BBQ on Nolana in Pharr on November 2, 2023 at 6:00pm for our monthly club meeting.

Everyone had a great meal which is always a plus.

After eating Randy started the meeting and gave a financial report.  Our previous balance was $48.00 and at the last launch we received $60.00 in donations leaving a current balance of $108.00.

Then we did a roundtable giving updates on our current rocketry projects. 

 Randy is building shelves in the trailer to better organize.

Victor Jr. is working on a 2 stage rocket and making plans for some scratch built rockets.

Sylvia and Randy are planning a paint scheme for their latest LOC EZI-65  Gloss Black with Glitter Flames.

Randy then updated everyone on some upcoming launch opportunities:

November 4 in Beeville, Texas with the South Texas Rocketry Group.  Randy and Sylvia as well as Roman are planning to make the trip up for the launch there this weekend.

November 11 in Hearne, Texas with Tripoli Houston 002

November 18 is our next launch at Wilde Field.  We will meet at Denny's on Monte Cristo Road at 281 Frontage at 7:00am for breakfast before driving out to the range.  Join us if you can for breakfast before the launch.  Our launch will start at about 8:30 after setup. 

It was a short but fun meeting, and after about 30 minutes of rocket talk we ended the meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting or launch.

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