The RGV Rocket Club met at Rudy's BBQ in Pharr, Tx. 7/13/2023 with 2 members present. 

If you missed it you missed some good BBQ and conversation.  


Randy gave an update on the status of our search for flying fields.  We have almost completed an agreement with the City of McAllen to use 2 of the City Parks for low power launches once a month.  We have landlord approval to use a field West of Lyford, Texas for High Power launches and have applied for a waiver with the FAA.  Just waiting on approval of the waiver.  I will post addresses on both our website and Facebook group after final approval for both sites

NAR membership is going to be mandatory to launch at the City Parks, as the NAR insurance is a requirement put forth by the City, and of course NAR or Tripoli membership is required to fly High Power at the High Power site.

A drawing for an Aerotech Initiator was held and Stuart Goodrich won the door prize.  Hopefully we will see it fly at a launch soon.

Randy gave a brief overview of how dual deployment works and gave a presentation on a club project to build a 4 inch LOC EZI-65 as a group project.  The kit has been donated so we just need to find a good location to do the build and "git er done".

We held a Q&A session to answer any questions about the club or hobby rocketry in general and then adjourned. 

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